

The Happiness and Well-Being Project will award a total of up to $5.1 million to support collaboration among well-being researchers across a wide range of disciplines. Between 12 and 20 grants will be awarded. Letters of intent are due October 15, 2015.

The sense that life has meaning and direction is associated with reduced risks of adverse health. This study tested the hypothesis that greater purpose in life is associated with lower risk of cerebral infarcts, a type of stroke caused by blockage in a blood vessel to the brain.

Psychological well-being of young people is a significant public health issue because adolescents who need help often do not seek it, leading to a high prevalence of mental health problems in this population.

Few controlled trials have evaluated mindfulness-based approaches to enhancing mental health among young people. This study assesses the acceptability and efficacy of a school-based universal mindfulness intervention for youth aged 12-16. Control groups took part in the usual school curriculum.

Positive Psychotherapy (PPT) is a therapeutic approach based on the principles of positive psychology. PPT supplements traditional psychotherapy approaches that focus on deficits.

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MAPP Program

Learn to apply the principles and tools of positive psychology to any professional domain or as preparation for further study in a Ph.D., M.D., or J.D. program, in the Master of Applied Positive Psychology program at the University of Pennsylvania.