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by Ed Diener, 2013

- Why is happiness important?
- What contributes to happiness personally and in society?
- What are the positive outcomes associated with increased levels of happiness?
- Is there an optimal level of happiness?

Professor Ed Diener, world's foremost expert on the science of happiness and life satisfaction, Joseph R. Smiley Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Illinois, USA

by Carol S Dweck at TEDx Norrköping

by Sonja Lyubomirsky at Big Think, 2013

Happiness, well-being, contentment, life-balance -- we all want these things, but ironically our unconscious beliefs about what they are and how to attain them often stand in our way. In this overview of her 7-part Big Think Mentor workshop on How to Be Happy, psychologist and happiness researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky discusses the happiness myths that can interfere with our sense of well-being.

Medici Interviews: James Pawelski

Medici Interviews: Martin Seligman

Medici Interviews: Chris Peterson

Medici Interviews: Andrew Rosenthal

Medici Interviews: Deborah Swick

Medici Interviews: George Vaillant

Medici Interviews: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
